Blog dedicated to the analysis of the Marlboro brand and the innovation of some factors of it.

lunedì 25 maggio 2009



Now you can have yuor favourite cigarettes always with you in less of 1 centimeter of thickness.
It follows perfectly the line of your body without useless nuisances!

domenica 24 maggio 2009

Logo and slogan

CURVE YOURSELF is our slogan and we have created also a logo for this limited edition.


To convey stronger our concept of ergomic factors we chose the packets of 10 cigarettes; in this way it can be thinner and more comfortable for the users.

Our guys is a persons that wants to be at ease ever and in every places, he can smoke his cigarettes in freedom.

CURVE YOURSELF Launch Limited Editon Marlboro

Limited Edition of the packet of 10 cigarettes.

To realize in Milan in a open air location.
The event plans a mini concert of an italian band in line 
with brand ideals (es. Subsonica, Negrita).
The leitmotif of the evening could be ergonomics with the possible involvement of a brand design.

To attend
through sponsorships:
- Big artists concerts that plan a big flow of people (U2 concert for example). Sale of the packets in a dedicated area that for the occasion proposes offer "Buy one, pay two". Presentation on the stage of the event with the possible throwing of gadgets (shirts, cups ect...).
- Events link to the "White Night" during the summer period in different italian cities and also in dealers of Marlboro Classics garments.
- Linking as sponsor to the tour of some Italian Radios (Rtl, Deejay, RMC ect...).
- Organizing some theme apertifs with different types of gadgets.

- Out to main italian stadiums.
- In strategic tobacco shops that are passing for a lot of people, maybe close to railways stations or underground stations.
- Out the main discotheques.

Advertising planning on the principal mass media directed
essentially to a male target.

- Gazzetta dello sport, Tuttosport

- GQ, Maxim, Playboy, Quattroruote, Moto&Motori, ect...

- Radio spots on the main
national transmitters


- Tv spots

- Banner in web site with high number of daily rounds.



Marlboro is sponsor for Ferrari and Ducati in Gran Prix of Formula 1 and in Moto GP.


Tobacco shops

New Concept

We did some interviews to male guys to understand if something was wrong in the Marlboro Packets of cigarettes.
They told us that they found packets uncomfortable to insert in the back pocket because they are too much thick and create nuisance.
In a normal packet there are three lines of cigarettes and this one has a rigid shape that it does not follow the line of the body, therefore it is not ergonomic.
Our concept is to create a new packet that it fits to the curve of our body and with only two lines rather than three to reduce the thickness.

The follow pictures show the first study model.

Marlboro Packets

Marlboro in Italy

In Italy Marlboro has almost the 35% of all the smokers market, before its competitor MS. In the Italian trade we can find different types:
  • Red one
  • Light one
  • Medium one
  • Blend 29 one
  • MX4 one
  • 100's (longer than normal)
  • Compact (shorter than normal)

The business produces also 30 gr tabacco packet for loose tobacco to roll. To notice, on the there is the wording "Veni, Vidi, Vici" famous sentence of Gaio Giulio Cesare.

There is also a very famous line of clothes sold all over the world, Marlboro Classic, found by Valentino Fashion Group in 1986.

Old Spot

lunedì 18 maggio 2009

Marlboro Man

Has the Marlboro man been successful?
- Yes, he has. he was been selected most influential man who ever lived.
- Cowboy represents the brand.
- Some even say that you can look up the term "Marlboro Man" in the dictonary and find the description of images created by the ads.
- Marlboro has been the biggest and the most important cigarette brand in the world for many years.

Can it be successful over time?
- It is timeless because it has been consistent over time
- The images of the Marlboro Man can live forever butprobably as a legend rather than a smoking man.
- "We haven't placed any consumer advertising for our cigarette brands in newspaper or magazines in 2005, in 2006 and year to date this year". The company has focused on direct marketing and in-store promos.
Phili Morris USA spokes man Bill Phelps

Does it still apply to nowadays audience?
- The image of the hero that controlls the world around him still applies and can be useful when advertising some types of products but probably not cigarettes in the future. Other possibilities:
- Clothing
- Motorbikes
- Sportcars
- But he will always be Marlboro Man.

Hints to the future
- The Marlboro man should not be changed but..
- Expanded the images of the person (man or woman) who control everything around him or her.
- Use the images of the Marlboro man as a man that control the world around him and it to this decade.

Marlboro History

Marlboro is the most world-wide known cigarette brand made by Altria Group, Inc. previously named Philip Morris Companies Inc... Philip Morris Companies Inc. changed its name to Altria Group, Inc. on January 27, 2003. Originally Marlboro was exposed in 1847 at the London market but soon repositioned in the US. The greatest tobacco products' brand is named after Great Marlborough Street where its original London factory was situated.
When the Cigarette brand first emerged on the market in 1920, they were marketed to women. The ads featured women and held the slogan "Mild as May." One of the traits of Marlboro cigarettes at that period was a red tip, which concealed women's lipstick marks. This approach was successful until World War II (1939-45), when slow sales caused Marlboro packs to be withdrawn from the market. The cigarettes were revived in the 1950s, as the first medical research linking cigarette smoking with cancer began to reach the public. It was thought that Marlboro cigarettes, with their filter, might offer smokers the illusion of a reduced health risk. However, the filter was regarded as effeminate by many men, who made up the bulk of the market.
In 1954, the Leo Burnett Company, a Chicago advertising agency, was given the task of making Marlboro cigarettes appealing to men. The result was the "tattooed man" campaign. It involved a series of print ads showing a man with a tattoo on his hand holding a Marlboro. The man would be one of several "manly" types, such as a policeman, a firefighter, a construction worker or a cowboy. The agency studied consumer response, and the cowboy figure proved to be the most popular. By 1957, the cowboy had replaced all of the others.
In 1960 Philip Morris and Thomas Hutzler invented "Marlboro Country" with American Western landscapes and a rugged cowboy. The Marlboro Man has displayed the distinctive red Marlboro cigarette pack for almost fifty years - on billboards, in store window displays, and on the pages of magazines and newspapers. The Marlboro Man could also be seen on television, usually accompanied by the rousing musical theme from the Western film "The Magnificent Seven", until the government ban on cigarette commercials in 1972. The Marlboro Man in the "Marlboro Country" series of advertisements was instrumental in establishing Philip Morris' Marlboro brand as the world's best-selling cigarette. There were dozens of men, many of whom were real cowboys who modeled for the Marlboro advertising campaign and two of those men, both long-time smokers have died of cancers which began in their lungs. Wayne McLaren, a former professional rodeo rider, who appeared in small parts in various television series and movies (primarily Westerns) throughout the 1960s and 1970s and posed for some promotional photographs on behalf of Marlboro in 1976 , succumbed to lung cancer in July 1992. David McLean, who appeared in many Marlboro television and print advertisements starting in the early 1960s, also died of cancer in October 1995. McLean starred in the short-lived 1960 television Western Tate, and he played roles in numerous television series and feature films during the 1960s and 1970s.
Marlboro Cigarettes are often called in slang as "cowboy killers" through the strength of the red variety of Marlboro cigarettes and owing to Marlboro Man. In August 2006 a US District Court prohibited to use the terms like "low tar", "light", "mild" or "natural" and it is expected to use standard "color" names instead: Marlboro Red, Marlboro Gold(Light), and Marlboro Silver(Ultra Light), which are already in use in the European Union since 2005.

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