Blog dedicated to the analysis of the Marlboro brand and the innovation of some factors of it.

lunedì 18 maggio 2009

Marlboro Man

Has the Marlboro man been successful?
- Yes, he has. he was been selected most influential man who ever lived.
- Cowboy represents the brand.
- Some even say that you can look up the term "Marlboro Man" in the dictonary and find the description of images created by the ads.
- Marlboro has been the biggest and the most important cigarette brand in the world for many years.

Can it be successful over time?
- It is timeless because it has been consistent over time
- The images of the Marlboro Man can live forever butprobably as a legend rather than a smoking man.
- "We haven't placed any consumer advertising for our cigarette brands in newspaper or magazines in 2005, in 2006 and year to date this year". The company has focused on direct marketing and in-store promos.
Phili Morris USA spokes man Bill Phelps

Does it still apply to nowadays audience?
- The image of the hero that controlls the world around him still applies and can be useful when advertising some types of products but probably not cigarettes in the future. Other possibilities:
- Clothing
- Motorbikes
- Sportcars
- But he will always be Marlboro Man.

Hints to the future
- The Marlboro man should not be changed but..
- Expanded the images of the person (man or woman) who control everything around him or her.
- Use the images of the Marlboro man as a man that control the world around him and it to this decade.

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